I have been quite late in posting this blog which was supposed to be available on the day when I was leaving for my home.

29th May

Today I got up earlier than usual (6:30 a.m) which doesn't happen especially when your summer vacation has started. Sooooo..... that's because I am going home today!!! Yay!
Yeah, that can be a reason or maybe  it was because I had to do some sporting early morning such as jumping from my uper deck of bunk bed to silent down my mobile's horrible-vibration-alarm (gives goosebumps when ever it rings, its on vibration all the time)  which was forgotten on the dressing table, just in time before my room mate could think there is an alien attack. It's true! It happened with me once in the middle of night when I mistook a road cleaner machine to alien raiders. 

Ok coming to the main part now I was going home today inshaAllah. Yesterday I went for chocolate shopping, I wished I could buy all the chocolates there (no, I am not overweight). One thing special about the markets here in London is that you get so confused when you see hundreds of choices for one product so after hours of checking price, quality, vegetarian or meatarian and alcoholic or not it takes me hours to decide the 'best' product. And whenever I go to the 'home baking' section of a supermarket I feel like dancing like how we see in documentaries or cartoons wild people dancing around a bonfire at night. My passion is baking so  hint, hint...  keep an  eye on my blog. So I was in the middle of shelves doing my hooka booka dance. It's not only that, when I return home with the loot I spread it out and stare at it, read all over the packaging then stare at it again the reason none other than I have fallen in love with this handsome man called baking. Mevlana Rumi says:

"When you do things from your soul
  you feel a river flowing in you, a joy"

P.S I know I am writing very less but sooner or later I am sure I will post huge transcripts. Its just the initial start and I am kinda new and nervous about blogging :) 

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

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