Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem
As-salaam `alaykum, peace be with you.
20 minutes to noon, just woke in time to say Good morning! Thanks to my room mate who came with the idea of blogging and thanks to her again for designing my blog so beautifully (of course it was for free).
Why I started a blog? Hmmm... I want to improve my writing skills, my English is so stony. I mean I don't have good vocabulary to write a smooth, creamy English. It is also a good way to keep a diary which I always intended to keep.
Anyways, I am quite excited to blog and I hope to get addicted here.
As-salaam `alaykum, peace be with you.
20 minutes to noon, just woke in time to say Good morning! Thanks to my room mate who came with the idea of blogging and thanks to her again for designing my blog so beautifully (of course it was for free).
Why I started a blog? Hmmm... I want to improve my writing skills, my English is so stony. I mean I don't have good vocabulary to write a smooth, creamy English. It is also a good way to keep a diary which I always intended to keep.
Anyways, I am quite excited to blog and I hope to get addicted here.
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